
Sakura Front I: Underfoot Collapse Rendezvous

AP Cost 5
Bond Points 915
QP 0
Quest EXP 38,190
Quest Type Grail Front

Quest Overview

Guest Support Nero Claudius (Bride) Lv80 NP3 8/8/8; CE: Starting NP Gauge +50%; NP Gain +50%.

Max Cost 64
Servant Slots
Obtainable Field Buffs
Buff # Effect
1 Apply Damage Cut by 1,000 (1 turn).
2 Increase Buster Card Effectiveness by 50% (1 turn).
1 Restore HP by 5,000.
Passive Field Buffs (Active only while on the node)
11 When fighting enemy Passionlip, reduce all allies' HP by 3,000, activates once on battle entry (while on node).
1 Increase DEF by 30% (while on node).
Type Reward Notes
x1 Top of map next to Napoleon
x1 Two nodes away from Passionlip.
x100 Left of map by Fuuma Kotarou.
x2,500,000 Middle of map two nodes away from Rider of Resistance.
x3 Next to Rider of Resistance.
x5 Behind Brynhild
x2,000,000 Bottom of map near Brynhild.

Enemy Details

Part 1
Fatal Battle 1/1
Enemies Class HP Lvl
55,985 64
51,686 80
52,800 70
53,064 70
65,311 67
116,628 72

* Does not need to be defeated.

128,977 90

Quest Drops