
Roman Front IV - The Weight of Command

AP Cost 5
Bond Points
Quest EXP
Quest Type Grail Front

Quest Overview

Max Cost 63
Servant Slots (Extra Class)
Player Max Actions 3
Player Action Points 25
Enemy Max Actions 3 (Master), 2 (Servants)
Enemy Action Points 25
HP Break Bars 1
Field Effect (Battle Start)
Buff # Effect
- Increase ATK for all enemy Servants by 30% [Permanent, Unremovable].
Obtainable Field Buffs
1 Increase Critical Strength by 50% (1 turn).
1 Increase Quick Card effectiveness by 50% (1 turn).
1 Gain 20 Critical Stars.
* If obtained by an enemy, Increase Critical Rate by 50% (1 turn).
Passive Field Buffs (Active only while on the node)
2 Increase DEF by 30% (while on node).
1 Restore HP by 2000 each turn (while on node).

Enemy Details

Part 1
Fatal Battle 1/1
Enemies Class HP Lvl

2 Actions/turn

50,853 70

2 Actions/turn

46,782 64

2 Actions/turn

46,672 70
Nero Claudius (Caster)

2 Actions/turn

51,336 59

2 Actions/turn

50,811 67
Lancelot (Saber)

2 Actions/turn

51,357 56

Quest Drops