
Roman Front III - Invisible Dangers Weigh on the Mind

AP Cost 5
Bond Points
Quest EXP
Quest Type Grail Front

Quest Overview

Max Cost 43
Servant Slots
Player Max Actions 3
Player Action Points 25
Enemy Max Actions 3
Enemy Action Points 25
HP Break Bars 1
Obtainable Field Buffs
Buff # Effect
1 Apply Damage Plus 1,000 (1 turn).
1 Restore HP by 5,000.
1 Apply Invincible (1 turn).
Passive Field Buffs (Active only while on the node)
2 Apply Damage Cut by 1,000 (while on node).
1 Increase NP Gauge by 30% at the end of each turn (while on node).
*If acquired by an enemy, increases their NP Gauge by 1 each turn.

Enemy Details

Part 1
Fatal Battle 1/1
Enemies Class HP Lvl

3 Actions/turn

59,298 70
Sherlock Holmes

3 Actions/turn

50,280 48

3 Actions/turn
Passive: Apply Sure Hit to self [Unremovable].

60,492 65
Eric Bloodaxe

3 Actions/turn
Passive: Apply Sure Hit to self [Unremovable].

61,469 66

Quest Drops