
Photo 30: Steps Of Resupplying Crew

AP Cost 1
Bond Points 1730
QP 8,900
Quest EXP 33,815
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

  • NPC Medusa (Saber) and Miss Crane are at Level 90, have NP Level 3, Skill Level 8/8/8 and are equipped with the Craft Essence Sweat Blood.
  • Unlock Engine Room Rest Area. 

Enemy Details

Part 1
Guest Servant: Miss Crane
Guest Servant: Medusa (Saber)
Fatal Battle 1/2
Enemies Class HP Lvl
Xiang Yu
  • Battle Start:
    • Grant Invulnerability to self [Permanent, Removed upon taking a Noble Phantasm attack].
162,340 55
  • Battle Start:
    • Grant Invulnerability to self [Permanent, Removed upon taking 2 Extra Attack].
182,224 80
Fatal Battle 2/2
Enemies Class HP Lvl
Lu Bu Fengxian
  • Battle Start:
    • Resupplying: Increase own NP Bar by one at the end of every turn.
220,792 72
Chen Gong
  • Battle Start:
    • Increase own NP Bar to max.
95,400 67