
Hunting Quest 12: Garuda Hunt - Pride+ Rank

AP Cost 40
Bond Points 1373
QP 9,400
Quest EXP 38,190
Quest Type Event

Enemy Details

Part 1
Battle 1/3
Enemies Class HP Lvl
49,800 81
50,401 81
Battle 2/3
Enemies Class HP Lvl
88,545 57
Fatal Battle 3/3
Enemies Class HP Lvl
Wing Bladed Insect - Bronze Caster
Alternate Spawns

Level: 70
HP: 86,400

  • Activate only if Mandricardo spawns:
    • "6 days left, I'm so excited...!": Increase all enemies with Neutral Alignment' Arts cards effectiveness by 20% (Demerit, 3 turns) then immediately withdraw. 
73,518 83
238,156 76
150,141 58

Quest Drops

Fruit of Eternity x1 46.6% Guaranteed drop when Mandricardo spawns.
Phoenix Feather x1 126.7%
Secret Gem of Caster x1 24.2%
Magic Gem of Caster x1 27.1%
Gem of Caster x1 8.9%
Hellfire of Wisdom - Gold Caster x1 175.9%
Blaze of Wisdom - Gold Caster x1 738.6%
QP x1000000 46.6% Guaranteed drop when Mandricardo spawns.

Quest Reward