
[High Difficulty] The Exhibition II: Cursing Ootakemaru (Suzuka Gozen) (Revival)

AP Cost 1
Bond Points 915
QP 9,400
Quest EXP 38,190
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

This quest can be attempted as many times as the player would like even after completion. However, drops and rewards will only be given upon first completion.

No party revive options may be used in this quest (neither 3 Command Seals nor Saint Quartz)!
No Duplicate Servants may be taken in this quest.

See below for an in-depth guide on this encounter!

Enemy Details

Part 1
Battle 1/2
Enemies Class HP Lvl
13,318 71
10,253 54
24,181 63
Fatal Battle 2/2
Enemies Class HP Lvl
Suzuka Gozen

Demoness of the Heavens
Active Buff 1: Decrease [NP Gain from attacks] when dealing damage. (Unremovable) - Active during all three HP bars.
Special Skill: Apply Target Focus to a single enemy (1 turn).
Before Break:, Every turn, will change the type of damage resistance Suzuka Gozen has:
- Quick Weakness: Increase Arts/Buster Resist by 100% (1 turn).
- Arts Weakness: Increase Quick/Buster Resist by 100% (1 turn).
- Buster Weakness: Increase Arts/Quick Resist by 100% (1 turn).

272,916 90
Suzuka Gozen

Demoness of the Heavens
After 1st Break: Every turn, will change the class weakness Suzuka Gozen has:
- Lancer-type: Becomes Weak vs Saber, Strong vs Archer.
- Rider-type: Becomes Weak vs Assassin, Strong vs Caster.
- Caster-type: Becomes Weak vs Riders, Strong vs Assassin.

311,904 90
Suzuka Gozen

Demoness of the Heavens
After 2nd Break: Increase own Damage Resist by 90%. (Unremovable)
Suzuka Gozen changes her timer debuff each turn:
- Damaged by [Good]: When attacked by [Good] enemy, Decrease Damage Resist by 10% (3 turns). (Unremovable)
- Damaged by [Neutral]: When attacked by [Neutral] enemy, Decrease Damage Resist by 10% (3 turns). (Unremovable)
- Damaged by [Evil]: When attacked by [Evil] enemy: Decrease Damage Resist by 10% (3 turns). (Unremovable)

363,888 90

Quest Drops