
Floor 40: Akihabara's Idol (1/2)

AP Cost 1
Bond Points 1830
QP 9,400
Quest EXP 38,190
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

  • All  NPC Servants are at Level 80, have NP Level 3, Skill Level 8/8/8 and are equipped with the Craft Essence City Where Dreams Are Born.

Enemy Details

Part 1
Guest Servant: Galatea
Guest Servant: Nero Claudius
Guest Servant: Osakabehime
Guest Servant: Utsumi Erice
Battle 1/2
Enemies Class HP Lvl
14,395 40
Golem - Bronze Berserker

Akiba Guard (Brown)

38,243 44
Helter Skelter - Silver Saber

Akiba Guard (Green)

28,457 37
Fatal Battle 2/2
Enemies Class HP Lvl
Nero Claudius (Bride)

Akiba Nero

  • Battle Start:
    • Akiba's Idol: Increase own Critical Chance (3 turns) upon landing a Critical Hit. [Permanent, Unremovable].
    • Increase own Critical Rate (5 turns)
147,480 71
Nero Claudius (Bride)
  • Break Skill: "I'm counting on you rooting for me✰":
    • Increase own Critical Chance (3 turns) upon landing a Critical Hit. [Permanent, Unremovable].
162,228 71
Masked Automaton - Silver Caster

Akiba Guard (White)

33,592 42
Automata - Bronze Rider

Akiba Guard (Silver)

38,394 53

Quest Drops

Quest Reward