
Floor 20: Stay Firm! How To Properly Handle Complaints (1/2)

AP Cost 1
Bond Points 1730
QP 8,900
Quest EXP 33,815
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

  • All NPC Servants are at Level 80, have NP Level 3, Skill Level 8/8/8 and are equipped with a custom Craft Essence that grants 50% Starting NP Gauge and 50% NP Generation. 

Enemy Details

Part 1
Guest Servant: Berserker of El Dorado
Guest Servant: Cleopatra
Battle 1/2
Enemies Class HP Lvl

Entitled Wyvern

13,775 56
Wyvern Dread

Entitled Wyvern

17,367 42

Entitled Wyvern

9,972 54
Fatal Battle 2/2
Enemies Class HP Lvl
Great Dragon - Gold Rider

Monster Entitled
Once every 3 turns (starting turn 3): Devouring Meat: Restore own HP by 30,000. Apply Stun to self (1 turn) [Demerit].

389,617 85

Quest Reward