
Extra Quest: Visitor from the Shooting Star

AP Cost 5
Bond Points 815
QP 8,400
Quest EXP 29,690
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

Enemy Details

Part 1
Guest Servant: Sen-no-Rikyu
Guest Servant: Mysterious Ranmaru X
Fatal Battle 1/1
Enemies Class HP Lvl
Shooting Star Tea Beast
  • Battle Start:
    • Matcha DRIVE: When attacked by Quick cards, restore 30,000 HP to self. [Permanent, Unremovable]
    • MAーCHAAAAAAAAAA!: Randomly inflict either Arts Seal or Buster Seal onto all enemies (3 turn). [Unremovable]
  • Noble Phantasm:
    • Dynamic Monstrous Power Tea Beam: Deal damage to all enemies. Inflict Poison Damage Up by 100% for all enemies (5 turns).
157,191 55
Shooting Star Tea Beast
  • Break Skill:
    • Shooting Star Match Creation: Increase own NP Bar to MAX. Increase own Quick Resist by 50%. [Permanent, Unremovable]
323,552 55

Quest Drops

Akaraku Tea Bowl x2 300.0%
Spirit Root x1 100.0%

Quest Reward