
Extra Quest: Immoral Tea Ceremony

AP Cost 5
Bond Points 815
QP 8,400
Quest EXP 29,690
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

  • Both NPC Servants: Lv80 NP3 8/8/8; CE Lv20 Nothing To Do.
  • Both enemy Imperial Nobbus have the following effect:
    • Cheap Tea: Increase ATK by 50%. Decrease Attack by 20% every turn (capped at 100%). [Permanent, Unremovable]

Enemy Details

Part 1
Guest Servant: Sakamoto Ryouma
Guest Servant: Sen-no-Rikyu
Fatal Battle 1/1
Enemies Class HP Lvl
68,241 42
Okada Izo
  • Battle Start:
    • Master Takechi, Watch This!: Increase own NP Bar by 1 when attacking. Increase own Quick Card Effectiveness by 50%. Apply Ignore Invincibility to self. [All Unremovable]
    • Hangover: 30% Chance to inflict NP Seal (1 turn) to self (3 turns). 
122,516 90
Okada Izo
  • Break Skill:
    • Here Is A Max Power Sour Cheap Tea Cocktail!: Increase own Attack by 100%. Decrease own Attack by 20% every turn (capped at 100%). Inflict Skill Seal on self (1 turn) [Demerit]. [Permanent, Unremovable]
218,780 90
71,385 44

Quest Drops

Quest Reward