
Bounty Hunt "Skull Keeper" (Revival)

AP Cost 5
Bond Points 725
QP 7,500
Quest EXP 22,895
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

Enemy Details

Part 1
Fatal Battle 1/1
Enemies Class HP Lvl

Skull Keeper

  • Battle Start: Saber Badge: Change own class to Saber. Upon being hit by an Arts card, revert to Berserker class and change own NP Bar from max 4 to max 5 charges.
155,648 80

Skull Keeper

  • Break Skill: "You can't run from my love!": Increase own NP Bar by 5 and apply Bonus damage vs Cursed +100% to self (5 turns) [Unremovable].
212,992 80

Quest Drops

Quest Reward

Evil Bone x5
QP x1700000