
Act III: The Nutcracker, Once More (3/3) - 3 (Revival)

AP Cost 5
Bond Points 815
QP 8,400
Quest EXP 29,690
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

BB Slots will grant an HP Regen of 3,000 HP each turn buff on the front line party at the start of battle.

Click the link above for a guide on beating Passionlip.

Enemy Details

Part 1
Guest Servant: Meltryllis
Guest Servant: Tamamo Cat
Fatal Battle 1/1
Enemies Class HP Lvl

Active buffs at start:
KP-M: Recover 5,000 HP each turn. (Cannot be removed)
SG "Hypersensitivity": Self DEF Down, Gain 1 NP Charge per turn. (Cannot be removed)
NP: Brynhild Romantia: Heavy AoE damage, Restore own HP.

251,123 90

Upon 1st Break:
KP-M: Recover 5,000 HP each turn. (Cannot be removed)
SG Retrofit: Masochistic Nature: Self DEF Up, Increased Debuff Resist.

198,255 90

Upon 2nd Break:
SG "Sloppiness": Chance to inflict Death on normal attacks (but not NP). (Cannot be removed)

264,340 90

Quest Drops

Quest Reward