
What is the Best Set up for my Herc for Solomon Farming?

Starting off With what I have.
I have an np3, bond 10, grailed to lv 90 Herc. I am counting on getting Merlin when Solomon drops and I have the mats to max his skills assuming I get him. I was thinking of running a waiver with his bond CE from support list, my maxed Merlin with 2030 (I don't have OX king), Atlas Institue MC for debuff removal, and my Herc with MLB Holy nigh Supper(HNS) (Which I am trying to level as much as possible). I was thinking of instead of HNS I would put on Hero Ellys Adventure which would prevent me from turn 1 np for more damage when I do get my NP up.
If you have any recommendations I would be happy to hear them. Also, I do not have Martha. I don't expect to one shot at all but anything that makes this more efficient would be appreciated.

Asked by Diejon6 years 2 months ago


by Mysty 6 years 2 months ago

Medea has a targetable debuff cleanse if you have done her strengthening quest. Then you can use the debuff cleanse on herc, then use combat uniform to buff herc and swap her out for waver, merlin, or someone else to buff herc or defense down the pillar (like liz lancer) and just pile up the attack buffs.


Personally I'll use a borrowed Waver, Martha to debuff clear/def drop, then switch out into Tama Lancer to buff more attack and drop more defense before attacking with my Herc.

Obviously if you get Memelin, you can replace Tama Lancer with him.

While my own setup can't otk because my Herc is NP1 bond9, it's close enough that your NP3 Bond10 Herc should have no problem getting the OTK, especially with Merlin replacing Tama to give his insane Buster boost.


by Diejon 6 years 2 months ago

Now that I think about it, I am pretty sure that the debuffs only apply to the front line soo I can keep Herc in the back row and a servant with def down in the front row then swap them with the combat uniform when I need to; plus combat uniform has an attack buff.
