
Is there a good place to farm Bond Points?

My Lancelot berserker is only 100,000 away from max bond, I want to get him there as soon as possible, plus get some other servants some bond points.

Asked by Arcos6 years 3 months ago


I'm gonna quote an answer from Rei and Mamiko here. If that's not allowed just delete me.

by Rei 1 week 6 days ago

Camelot nodes has great Bonds reward, particularly Mirage of Dreams quest in Hidden Village

They give you 795 raw bond points, so if you bring 2 MLB Lunchtime and a Heroic Portrait (+50 Bond point) you'll get roughly 1k BP per 21 AP which is nice, also the node has only 2 waves with Caster boss so you can easily farm it using good Riders. (thi rist wave has 2 assassins but that won't matter too much since you'll probably using waver support with lunchtime)

by Mamiko 1 week 6 days ago

In reply to (No subject) by Rei

but if you are looking for just the highest amount of bond per run then you can do Royal Castle in Camelot instead. It'll will give you 20 more bond for the same AP but it is 3 waves of strong sabers so it's harder/takes longer


That's totally fine to quote someone, I actually knew this question was asked before but I just couldn't find it. Thank you.


Ozy's pyramid in Camelot give you 1026 Bond Point with double Lunchtime. And the enemies is not too strong tbh


I have 2 options for you (I also do these for my own bond farming), and this assumes that you are using 2 MLB Lunchtime and 1 Heroic Portrait
1. Hidden/Concealed Village (Camelot): 1004 bond points
It consists of 2 waves only, you need Arash for 1st Wave, and a well buffed Kintoki (Rider, or Zerk if you have him at NP2) for last Wave against a Caster Ifreeta.
But, it's a bit laggy because it's a Sandstorm node
2. Giant Pyramid Stage (Camelot): 1076 bond points
I think it's the best node for bond farming atm. Sure, Royal Castle gives more Bond/AP, but you the mobs are pretty tough if you don't bring strong Archers.
You can cheese the final Wave with well buffed Santa Alter, and you can use face card for the first and second Wave.
