
Should I roll for Sanzang?

I have 17 summon tickets, I spend 1 and get the Lancer of this banner, I'm saving all my quartz for summer, but I don't know if it's worth summoning in this banner.
I'll put a image of my better servants.

Asked by Tidafire6 years 9 months ago


Oh wow congrats for rolling Li Shuwen! He's a pretty great ST Arts Lancer Servant.
Sanzang is one of the strongest single target damage dealing type Caster Servants for a while, so if you like her then it might be worth rolling.

Summer Event has some very good Servants coming up, though. If there are Servants you really want during Summer, it might be better to save. I'm personally saving for Summer and am choosing to skip on this banner, but it's up to you and if you like the Buddhist Monk O:


I really want tamamo and Martha from summer banner but I don't know how many quartz I will get, I already have around 220 so I don't know if use my summon tickets now or save them to for summer


Idk how many more quartz there will be till the summer banner but i don’t think 220 is only really gonna be enough for either this banner or the summer one unless you have really good luck. Just choose whichever servants you like better and go for that one. Since you want two servants from the summer banner, you’ll have a better chance of at least getting one of them compared to sanzang


Is a problem when you want two servant from different banners by the same o near of time each other.
I think I could reach at least 360 SQ for summer but I want 3 servants (Arturia, Tamamo and Moldred).
I want all but at the end I must to chose one banner for roll first.
