
Quetzalcoatl Team and CE recomendations

I just pulled and now she is lvl 90 6/6/6 (Cursed Beast Gallstone, RIP). I want some CE and team recomendations for her.

Servants that i have end i think could be compatible:
Nero (bride)
CA Hassan
Scathach (assassin)
Marie (rider)
Kintoki (rider)
I have others but most of them are for arts teams like Tamamo.

Victor of the Moon
Joint Recital (MLB)
Hero Elly's Adventure (MLB)
Golden Sumo (MLB)
Holy Night Supper (MLB)
2 x 2030 for the supports

Asked by toonmilo6 years 2 months ago


I had just summoned her yesterday. She also pairs well with Ceaser for the boosts and Okita if you need one or the other for the stars.


I think based on your dual 2030 you can easily make critical team for her. Joint Recital or Victor of the Moon are 2 major CE for Quetzalcoatl (if MLB), or other CE that depends.

Normally a rider critical team is DPS rider + 4060 dual caster supports (or even nightingale). Any other DPS to replace one 2030 caster may destroy the consistency, because this team rely on natural high star weight of rider (high but not a guarantee), except using Jack as star generator

Therefore, imo, you dont need to put other rider with her. Yeah indeed Quetzalcoatl has star absorption skill but that is 6 turn cd with only 1 turn lasting. You can have Quetzalcoatl with 2030 Hans and borrow another 2030 Waver/Merlin/Nightingale (and even Mashu for defensive support), or add 2030 Jack/Bride as 2nd DPS/Semi-support. Because Hans and Shakespeare are really fragile, you still need Waver/Merlin or even Helena and Nightingale as more durable support.

Another idea is to make her as 2nd DPS, but put Berserker as 1st DPS. Since her 1st and 2nd skills are a kind of supportive which can also make your Berserker shinning, and her 3rd skill is decent to capture a chance for amazing NP-X-B. Like I also use Raikou + Quetzalcoatl + Hans/Waver. It is also good when facing multi-class enemy.

Depends. Although Quetzalcoatl is not so versatile as Ozy, but still one of ur best choice for pouring critical damage. Critical star is so crucial for her.


Joint Recital MLB is better than non-mlb Victor of the Moon. Let's get that out of the way first.

You can either go for:
A. Huge nuke turn within the first 3 turns regardless of what cards are there for Quetz to Brave with.
B. Bide your time waiting for a good lineup of both Busters to show up in the same turn. Calls for plugsuit and 2030 on support casters in the frontline.

Personally I prefer A more, especially on boss fights.

For A option, you would want a support Waver with bond/Ox Demon King MLB, and a Merlin with Ox Demon King MLB (because I don't assume someone would have Merlin at Bond 10 when we do Solomon. But if there IS a Merlin with bond, somehow, use that instead.) Quetz would want to wear Joint Recital for optimal burst. MC is Anniversary Blonde.

And the next step is going into the fight, this is the trash and crash nuke comp, so it would be ideal for boss fight. You have three turns to bide your time to nuke. But after the first 3 turns, Ox Demon King effect would wear off. And that's the golden timing window for burst, and the whole point of it. If you'd rather wait longer for Buster Brave NP wombo, go see option B. Make Waver lay down party def down so that no accidents happen during this 3 turns, if you choose not to burst on turn 1.

Count your cards on Quetz. When you are ready to nuke, stack all the buffs. The beauty of Quetz's kit is her innate self gauge charge, giving her 30% at max. That facilitates her nuke turn by a wide margin and syncs exceptionally well with Waver+Merlin. Waver provides 50%(10%+10%+30%) of her total NP; Merlin provides 20% on his Charisma while she can charge herself 30%.

The buff stacking on Quetz would be, in total:

15% Buster (Waver's CE), 15% Buster (Merlin's CE), 20% Buster (Joint Recital), 20% Crit (Joint Recital);

50% Crit (Waver's 1), 30% ATK (Waver's 3), +500 Flat(Waver's 3), 20% ATK (Merlin's 1), 50% Buster (Merlin's 3), 100% Crit (Merlin's 3), 21% ATK (Quetz's 1), 30% Buster (Quetz's 2), 50% Crit (Quetz's 3);

60% Buster (MC Anniversary Blonde), +20 Stars (MC Anniversary Blonde).
