I think most servants are worth level up, unless you really don't like it. The more servants you have leveled up, the more your options to build teams are. She's not that good, but hey, not everyone have an avenger...
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A while back I got Gorgon but she's been sitting in my archives up till now because most of her materials were only available in the later singularities and I was still at Okeanos at that time. But since the Moon Goddess event shop has some of her materials, I'm considering to level her up. Is she worth the investment, at least for Camelot and later (which is where I'm at right now)? I currently have no servant in my extra slot in my support setup, so it would be nice to fill the void. But even with the help of the event shop, it would still be a large investment for me. And she ranks in tier 4... (I kind of treat the tier list like gospel)
And does she work well with the typical support servants (ex. Merlin)?
Any help is appreciated and thank you in advance.
I think most servants are worth level up, unless you really don't like it. The more servants you have leveled up, the more your options to build teams are. She's not that good, but hey, not everyone have an avenger...
I got her and rather like her. She is no jalter, but her AoE np did more damage than I expected against non ruler/zerkers when I was doing bond point farming before Solomon. Definitely a solid servant. And she completes my happy gorgon family.
Just know that it will be rare that she will have class advantage, so damage expectations should be tempered accordingly. But WAAAY better than the Angry Mango, that avenger is a waste of resources.
PS, tier list should only be gospel if you have the same playstyle as the authors. Otherwise it should be a mere guideline. Some I don't agree with, like farmers dinged for high cool downs...when the goal with farming is to finish in 3 turns and no skill has a cool down of 2 so cool down is actually moot.
Almost every servant works with Merlin, and since Gorgon is a buster servant she works better than many others. She's in tier 4 because her kit is underwhelming. In terms of stats she's one of the best 4 stars in the game, in fact I think her attack might be the highest of any 4 star. She also has no class weaknesses except mooncancers, which only appears as an enemy once or twice.
Her 4 star placement is due to her unimpressive NP gain and unimpressive skills. her first skill is like a mana burst but for attack, which stacks the worst among the attack buffs since it's the most common. Her second is a guts which isn't that amazing on its own, and a crit damage buff that she can't really use properly unless you give her lots of help with star absorption/generation, and her third is just a stun that may or may not hit. She isn't the best, but since you don't have an extra unit, I'd say she's worth it. Unless you plan on rolling for Hessian Lobo, in which case just level him instead.