I cant for the life of me seem to do this quest. I’ve lost count the different compositions Ive done and the various attempts, what do you guys suggest for team composition? Both front row and back row please
Saber: Mordred
Lancer: Brynhild
Rider: Ozymandias, Francis Drake
Caster: Leonardo da Vinci
Berserker: Cu Alter, Mysterious Heroine X Alter
Extra: Jeanne D’Arc(Ruler), Edmond Dantès
Saber: Siegfried, Nero
Lancer: Artoria Lancer Alter, Jalter Lily, Liz
Archer: Chloe, EMIYA
Rider: Kintoki, Anne Bonny and Mary Read, Marie Antoniette, Santa Alter
Caster: Irisviel, Nitocris, Liz Caster
Assassin: EMIYA, Stheno, Ryougi Shiki, Scathach
Berserker: Lancelot, Fran
Extra: Mash
Rs and below:
Saber: Caesar, Bedivere
Archer: Euryale, David, Arash, Robin Hood, Kid Gil, Billy
Lancer: Cu, Proto Cu, Diarmuid
Rider: St. George
Assassin: Hassan of Cursed Arm, Henry Jekyll and Hyde, Charles Henri Sanson, Mata Hari, Fuuma Kotarou, Sasaki Kojirou
Berserker: Asterios
Extra: Angra Mainyu
Everyone mentioned is either max leveled or at least max ascended and are by no means my only servants, simply the ones I’ve actually invested in.