Personally, I really coudln't care less about this change. Rather than being "very black", he is now "slightly less black". Still plays the same, which is the most important part.
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So I guess this has been a topic of debate on reddit for at least a month but has anyone else noticed that NA decided to give Emiya Alter lighter skin? I don't have an official source but it sounds like this was to avoid any issues of racial insensitivity. Thoughts?
Personally, I really coudln't care less about this change. Rather than being "very black", he is now "slightly less black". Still plays the same, which is the most important part.
I feel the same way. I didn't even notice the change until a friend of mine mentioned it. It seemed so insignificant.
That would be the only reason for such a thing. Normally I hate it when people do that just because a vocal minority feigns offense that doesn't even buy their game.
But here, I just want my waifus.
I didn't even notice until you mentioned it. Seriously, is it really a racial thing? Personally I can't see there's an issue.
According to Emiya's lore, his skin turned tan and hair gone white because he over use/work his magic, so for me, it sorts of make sense he turned out the way he is because this was his alter form, and he went berserk accordingly to his alternate route when he became alter (without going into spoilers) and he over use his magic. To me it makes complete sense.
Sure, the appearance probably look no where like an Asian but still, they have an explanation for it
Emiya Alter design was fugly from the begining. Now, it's less ridiculous.
I don't have MUH CULTUR WARRIOR syndrome (not anymore), so I don't care if it was done to appease some eventual twitter libs with persecution complex. It was an okay move for me.
They changed the art in the laziest way possible. Emiya Alter is now even paler than regular Emiya, when the alter version's skin color is supposed to be black according to his backstory.
If they really cared about racial insensitivity, they would've tried to make him resemble the original Emiya/Shirou. Remove his thick lips in the art, and maybe make his hair more like Emiya's. They could have improved the art so much too, like fixing his ribcage.
I don't like it. Besides the normal censorship is bad, if they can get away with censoring/editing Emiya Alter them what will stop them from doing it again to other servants? I sent them an e-mail asking why they did it and if NA was going to get 100 apologems like the other servers did when they had censored servants. I got the normal noncommittal response of:
"Regarding your inquiry, we truly apologize, but we cannot provide any information out to any individual player.
If we believe it is necessary to inform the playerbase regarding this matter, then we will make an announcement through our official channels."