
So... Salter just refuses to come, but got Demiya on 30 SQ and 5 tickets. Why, Salter, why?!?!?! #GachaSalt
On a serious note, since I already have Chloe and Orion, is it worth it raise Demiya? Still have to raise Tesla's skills to a reasonable level, and Demiya is kinda similar to Chloe and Orion (strong ST NP, NP drain)
Also, I think its kinda cool how his NP card reads UBW, but Blade is crossed out

Asked by pokechumaster5 years 11 months ago


i feel your pain. i'm trying to np2 or more baber alter,so while saving quartz for okita, i yolod 10 tickets only to np2 demiya.. who i didn't want at all. i love and will use robin waaaay more that i will ever use demiya, who will sit in my 2nd archive until i have spare mats. which won't be for awhile since i'm trying to get at least 6-8 summer servants and kiara should the gach gods allow it.....

like yay for good gacha luck, it's just not the luck i wanted lol


by Kaizo 5 years 11 months ago

Poured 89 sq + 5 tkts to get Salter, but... Jeanne's holy spook comes and Demiya appears next, don't even know how to feel about this, heh.
