Chloe already generates a lot of stars in her 6 hit arts cards when her 3rd skill is up (and specially, when maxed). Still, not a bad choice...
Saberlot is better, his second skill will suck all the stars of IM or PC and combine with his own passive stars for massive sure crit turns... or just use Liz stars when his skills are on cooldown...He's an arts crit servant, extra stars are nice to him, they can help each other to bulit their NP gauge.
Some Arts Rider (Georgius/Mordred) to easily absorb her stars, plus bult her Arts chains? Put Hans inside for Crit Up...
Nursery Rhyme s the perfect farm partner, Self Modification can absorb her stars, both have triple arts deck, so they can spam NP chains, and AOE NPs, so using to farm the assassin dailies is nice; with NR as main dmg dealer, Liz as hybrid passive stargen support + secondary dmg dealer.
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