
Best way to raise berserkers? Any tips?

I recently got Herc from the ozy banner, but I didn't really want to raise him since I farmed all my zerker mats for Raikou whom I didn't get, but kept him in my back line for Bond points. Still after letting my friend's max Bond Herc carry me in the Lion King boss battle, and the 1/2 dailies and 3x super/great success I thought about raising him since I have all his mats, but got frustrated and tired because compared to Altera and Ridertoki which I raised to max in a single day due to super/great successes.

I thought some ways to raise zerkers, but I was wondering how you people usually raise your zerkers? I mean how to level them up and general usage of zerkers.

Edit: Could some constantly active people add me? I don't really have much ID is 884,876,279

Asked by Ruzeron6 years 7 months ago


The best way to raise berserkers is to feed them three meals a day and make sure they get plenty of sleep. All three of my sons are berserkers, so I know raising them can be a pain. Just remember they can't help their Madness Enhancement, so try to work with them so they can be functioning members of society. Treat your berserkers the same as you would your other children, and raise them best you can.

(Jokes aside, yes, you should level Herc, as he is a premium damage dealer with the best combo of survivability and damage for SR berserkers.)


by @tlas 6 years 7 months ago


I specialize in Berserkers and Sabers- not by choice, mostly by luck?

Anyways, Berserkers are like any other servants. The only thing you have to keep in mind is your team build when using them. They’re hard hitters but they take damage about as well as a paper boat in a rainstorm

Thankfully Heracles has major points towards viability with his resurrection. But this is nothing you haven’t heard before, I’m sure.

Really all you can do is take their personal strengths and weaknesses into account when using them in a team. Hope that helps and sorry if it didn’t


berseker shine brighlty when they are alone or have support like mash, waver, leonidas, or any other servant with taunt skill
or you can just use 3 berseker and create ultimate buster team but only works for weak enemies
for camelot i mainly use
mash for taunt and defense
guest servant
iri,hans or leonidas
and yeah most all berseker die easly so you must feed them with fou or grail til 90 to make them stronger and healtier
the last dont forget to patt,hug, and praise them every time they win the battle, even with madness enhancement they still need love


I basically force feed every EXP card I have when I'm desperate to level them up. Otherwise, I hoard berserker EXP cards and store them in my 2nd archive when I'm farming other classes, in case I get a berserker that I need to level up.

I try to only use up all 20 available enhancement slots, except when I'm close to maxing. In that case, I estimate how much is required to max if I get a super success to avoid EXP waste.

For skills, just prioritise the important skills or skills that scale better with level, them farm the mats and eventually raise them over time.


my burst damage is 90 herc and it really help a lot, even on 2/2/2. and u got raikou so i think it would be flexible if your burst damage would be ST/ AoE, based on what u need at the moment. or u can put them both for double burst wave (my usual party).
