
Alter Ego Rate Ups

I'm sorry for breaking the rules, because this won't be a question. But recently there were a few questions asking which banners better to spend on. And people almost always told them, to save for the Alter Egos in CCC-Event, because their next rate up would be in 2 years during the rerun.
I was scrolling through the JP Banners right now and assuming we follow their schedule more or less, they will in fact have another rate up before that.

Meltryllis will have a single rate-up banner on next New Years.
Kiara and Passionlip had one during 12 Million download campaign which was around March last year. Since by now, we more or less followed that schedule, I'm assuming we will also have such a milestone (probably).

Again, sorry this is not a question. But I think people shouldn't feel pressed to roll during CCC-Event because those Servants would have their next banner in 2 years.

Asked by Fall-Moon5 years 11 months ago


I do agree. I was thinking to pick Artoria archer or CCC banner... I think that Artoria archer is more limited than these alteregos. (I still need to plan wisely because I lack an archer, caster, alter ego, rider and assassin (rider and assassin will be not necessary since we will get them in the next events). I would like to pick 1 or 2 between Ishtar, Artoria Pendragon, Ereshkigal, Nero caster, melt but I still can't decide. Probably I'll go for artoria+eresh since there will be time between the banners to gather SQ


I agree, and since we do get a re-run (which is on right now in jp) - yes it will be quite far away but i'm not too pressed to get an alter ego considering we still get BB as a welfare who does just fine and i need to save up for other banners such as the summer ones, sherlock and eresh.
