
[Ultra High Difficulty] The Green Comet

AP Cost 1
Bond Points 915
QP 9,400
Quest EXP 38,190
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

Party Restriction: Cannot bring more than one of the same Servant.
Command Spell / Saint Quartz Revival is unavailable for this quest.

Enemy Details

Part 1
Fatal Battle 1/1
Enemies Class HP Lvl

Swift-Footed Achilles
Passive: Immortal's Blessing: Increase Damage Resist to normal attacks by 90%. Decrease Damage Resist to normal attacks from [Divine] enemies by 20%. [Unremovable]
Passive 2: Shield of the Blacksmith God: Increase NP Damage Resist by 80%. [Unremovable]

152,018 90

Swift-Footed Achilles
Upon Break: Invitation for a One-on-One: Each turn, if a duel is not active, apply delayed buff [Duel Invitation] to a frontline Servant (preferred targets Male, Non-Caster, Non-Assassin).
Upon Break 2: "Come, let's have a killing match to our heart's content!!": Increase own Crit Strength and Crit Rate by 50% (10 turns). Increase own Charm Resist by 40% [Unremovable]. Increase own ATK the lower his HP (0% + 50% * (1 - current HP / Max HP)) [Unremovable].
After Duel Invitation 1 turn Delay (if target is preferred target): Begin one-on-one combat: Apply [Singled Out] status to target: Apply Target Focus to self and singled out enemy. Apply Order Change Seal, Skill Seal, and NP Seal to all enemies. Apply Stun and Command Card Seal to non-singled out enemies. Remove own Damage Resist passives. A serious one-on-one match! Your fighting spirit ignites!: Double cooldown recovery of Master Skills.
After Duel Invitation 1 turn Delay (if target is Female/Caster/Assassin): "Sorry, my mistake.": Remove [Duel Invitation] from target.
If No Duel Invitation or Singled Out status is active: "Mow and crush them all down!": Increase own NP Gauge to MAX. Increase own Critical Strength by 50% (3 turns).
If Duel/Singled Out status is not on field: Restores own Damage Resist passives.

2,505,000 90

Quest Drops

Rider Monument x1 100.0%

Quest Reward