More Information
- Select a FREE 4★ Servant! Eligible Servants:
- Login Bonus of Saint Quartz
x15 over 5 days!
- 2x Super Success and Great Success chance! Use your EXP cards!
- Login Streak Bonuses now include Dragon Fangs
(Ascension Item)
- Servant Strengthening Part 3 Quests will be made available!
- New item set in the Da Vinci Mana Prism shop! Purchase for 3 Mana Prisms:
QP x 3,000,000
FP x 30,000
Golden Fruit x 3
Silver Fruit x 3
Bronze Fruit x 3
Blaze of Wisdom ALL ★4 (SR) x 3
New Mana Prism shop CE [Personal Lesson 5★] for x1000 Mana Prism each - Increase Mystic Code EXP gained by 2% (MLB: 10%)
Scathach will be available for a limited period of time in the 3 million downloads banner!