
World End Match - Phantom ☆ Of ☆ The ☆ Opera - Threshold I (Revival)

AP Cost 10
Bond Points 665
QP 6,900
Quest EXP 18,815
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

Threshold 1 Episode Countdown: 3,000,000

Enemy Details

Part 1
Battle 1/2
Enemies Class HP Lvl
26,812 45
34,636 50
26,812 45
Fatal Battle 2/2
Enemies Class HP Lvl
71,383 55
Phantom of the Opera

Magical Gentleman - Phantom ☆ Of ☆ The ☆ Opera
Passive: Arts Weakness: Decrease own Arts Resist by 50%.

350,000 75
70,120 54

Quest Drops

Expensive Pudding x1 500.0% (Max: 5)
Expensive Pudding x10 300.0% (Max: 3)

Quest Reward