
Waver instead of Xuanzang

I tried to summon Xuanzang today and got spooked by Waver in 6 tickets. I REALLY wanted Xuanzang since she's the best offensive caster and I don't particularly like Waver, but he's the best unit in the game, and 2nd best in JP, so I can't really complain. My question is, should I keep trying for Xuanzang or save for Raikou? I'm f2p, and now that I got Waver I'm paranoid that I won't get anything after such "luck".

Asked by ArtoriasSSB6 years 8 months ago


by omrus 6 years 8 months ago

Since you really like Xuanzang, roll for her now since she has rate up. That said, she will be added on the summoning pool once Camelot is released so like Waver she can spook you anytime. I'm really biased towards Raikou so my vote goes to her and she has great compatibility with Waver due to crit boost.


Seeing how Raikou is very popular, it's very likely that she will appear a lot in supports, which in a game play perspective seems pretty neat. An offensive caster is not really that great and Xuanzang isn't very outstanding in that role either. But if you like her, roll for her. Keep in mind that Raikou is limited while Xuanzang will be available in the story summon,
