
Fruit of Eternity

"Skill Up & Ascension Material"
Any who consume this fruit become immortal, but at a price. Those who accept its boon also become servants of the gods for eternity.

Best Drop Location(s)

Quest APD
City of Beauty and Love
Olympus: East Interstellar City - Lostbelt 5 Part 2: Olympus
City of Land and Fertility
Olympus: South Interstellar City - Lostbelt 5 Part 2: Olympus
City That Desires a Great Shrine
Olympus: West Interstellar City - Lostbelt 5 Part 2: Olympus
God's Domain
Olympus: Altartown - Lostbelt 5 Part 2: Olympus

Servant Ascension/Skill Requirements

3rd Ascension

Servant Amount
Lady Avalon x10
Kukulkan x10

Max Ascension

Servant Amount
Caenis x6
Galatea x8
Wandjina x10

6th Skill Enhancement

Servant Amount
Oberon x15
Lady Avalon x15

7th Skill Enhancement

5th Append Skill Enhancement

Servant Amount
Kukulkan x12
Marie Antoinette (Alter) x12

6th Append Skill Enhancement

Servant Amount
Anra Mainiiu x15
Yang Guifei x15

Total (Ascension)

Servant Amount

Total (Skill)

Servant Amount

Total (Asc. + Skill)

Servant Amount

Total (Append)

Servant Amount

Total (All)

Servant Amount