The new Gudaguda event on the JP server launches 2019-07-04 at 18:00 JST, and apparantly features 3 new Servants: a new 3* Berserker, a welfare 4* Lancer and a new 5* Avenger.
These new Servants and the event will arrive on the global server around June/July 2021!
New JP Starting Experience
Masters who may want to try out the JP version will probably find no better time to do so, especially considering the anniversary coming up and the welfare Servants that will apear in the next 2 months.
- They have added 4* Casters to the starter summoning pool, and evened out all classes to contain 2 different classes.
- As such, Masters can now roll: Suzuka Gouzen, Atalante, Parvati, Nursery Rhyme, and Helena Blavatsky on their starting roll.
- It seems however, that Chevalier d'Eon has been removed from the starter pool.