There are a lot of questions that factor into making a decision like this like:
1. What is your Caster champion pool like?
2. Do you possess any offensive Casters?
3. Do you prefer running Caster-only lineups or you include an offensive servant from another class that has reliable damage?
4. Are you looking for faster clear speed or you're ok with grinding a node with Support-only Casters?
One major problem I have with casters is that whenever you're running an all-Caster lineup against a high-level Assassin node with beefy Servants or bosses, its a grind. This is mostly due to a lack of high dmg ST NPs for the class. Most times I have to rely on Da Vinci or Medea for dmg, and even then its not a fast run-through. I can count the times I've seen Medeas NP dmg go over 45k on one hand, and still have 3 fingers left over, and Da Vinci's AOE is great for wave-clearing, but not so much for bosses or Servants with HP over 100k. I do have Sanzang, but shes not really a priority for me at the moment.
CasGil is a good Servant to pick up if you're looking for a Caster with a little more "oomph", but if you have maxed Support Wavers or Merlins, then whatever Servant fills the frontline, its already going to be a tough lineup to beat. The only things I can think of that ruins a lineup like that is if the synergy is broken via a ST or AOE NP nuke that just obliterates one or all of the frontline, but otherwise, you'll make the enemy bleed for every HP point they take, and heal it back up with Tamamo, but its going to take a lot of turns.
Feel free to pick up CasGil if you're looking for a reliable AOE Caster.
If you don't mind your battles taking a little longer, then it's probably not worth devoting the resources and materials to bring CasGil up to par. as he requires a lot of pages (44) and lanterns (60).
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