
I cant for the life of me seem to do this quest. I’ve lost count the different compositions Ive done and the various attempts, what do you guys suggest for team composition? Both front row and back row please
Saber: Mordred
Lancer: Brynhild
Rider: Ozymandias, Francis Drake
Caster: Leonardo da Vinci
Berserker: Cu Alter, Mysterious Heroine X Alter
Extra: Jeanne D’Arc(Ruler), Edmond Dantès
Saber: Siegfried, Nero
Lancer: Artoria Lancer Alter, Jalter Lily, Liz
Archer: Chloe, EMIYA
Rider: Kintoki, Anne Bonny and Mary Read, Marie Antoniette, Santa Alter
Caster: Irisviel, Nitocris, Liz Caster
Assassin: EMIYA, Stheno, Ryougi Shiki, Scathach
Berserker: Lancelot, Fran
Extra: Mash
Rs and below:
Saber: Caesar, Bedivere
Archer: Euryale, David, Arash, Robin Hood, Kid Gil, Billy
Lancer: Cu, Proto Cu, Diarmuid
Rider: St. George
Assassin: Hassan of Cursed Arm, Henry Jekyll and Hyde, Charles Henri Sanson, Mata Hari, Fuuma Kotarou, Sasaki Kojirou
Berserker: Asterios
Extra: Angra Mainyu

Everyone mentioned is either max leveled or at least max ascended and are by no means my only servants, simply the ones I’ve actually invested in.

Asked by Mari5 years 11 months ago


Euryale + Double David works pretty well provided if you have a friend with a David. Preferably, his second skill is maxed to minimize the cooldown.

I've also tried Euryale + Stheno + David and managed to keep him charmed almost the entire fight with David there just in case he fires off his NP.

Mash + Euryale + Orion/David also worked for me.

The most popular Servants to use against Gawain are Orion (NP drain on NP and Anti-male skills) , Archuria (NP drain on her NP), David (full party Evade), Euryale (Charm and NP drain).


I actually have a friend who has David all skills maxed and grailed to lvl 80. Having the first skill maxed I found helped counter the burn from Gawain’s NP just a little and he was able to last for a while. Your frontline setup of double David and Euryale saved me. Thank you.


Try this

Frontline: Emiya/ Chloe +David+support Eurayle/Orion
Backline: Mash+ Jeanne+ your Eurayle
Mystic code: plug suit (stun/group attack up/ servant swap)

Try to burn as much of Gawain’s hp focusing on doing damage/ Stalling with Eurayle and using David’s party Evade.

Once the frontline dies stall with Mash/Jeanne/Eurayle using Eurayle as your main Damage dealer.

Use Jeanne’s NP against Exac. Galatine and when that isn’t possible try putting mashes invincible on mash and then combine Mash’s defenses (cd and/or NP if available) and Jeanne True Name Revelation to tank it. Worst case scenario hold onto Eurayle’s NP and hope it charms him and gives Jeanne time to get her NP up.

The basic idea for the backline is to stall for Jeanne’s NP and burn him with Eurayle. Vampirism, charm, Jeanne stun, mystic code stun, whatever, just get jeanne’s NP up.


Thanks, surprisingly none of my friends have a Euryale on their support list but I did follow your advice for the backline except I replaced Euryale with Chloe who in the end finally defeated Gawain.


by Mysty 5 years 12 months ago

Need to focus on either defense or charm locking Gwain. I managed with euryale, support Orion as main damage dealers. Eurayle has charm in skill and np and charge reduction skill, Orion has male attack up and charge reduction. Mash provided defense. In backline I think I had David and Tristan for the group evade... And I think steno for more charm support. Two orion np's dealt most of the damage and David was able to mop up the rest. Took a few tries, especially since it is hard to guess whether he will use the charge gain skill and np with one bar left or save charging for the 3rd action.


Focusing on defense seemed to work out for me in the end, thank you for the help!


by tg345 5 years 12 months ago

Maybe try Chloe + Jeanne + support Tamamo with a plugsuit Mozart if you have his arts skill leveled at all.

I used Chloe(Another ending) + Merlin(2030) + support Tamamo(2030) with plugged Mozart(I don't remember his CE) and was able to get it done in a handful of turns. All offensive boosting skills involved were at level 10.


I wasn’t able to fully do this team as only two of my friends have Tamamo and they aren’t online often enough to appear when I need them. Tamamo users in general seem to be harder to find. Tamamo also kept dying because Gawain wouldn’t stop attacking her.


From what you have, You can run a similar setup to mine:
Merlin(starting np) + Jeanne d'Arc(Prisma cosmos, +np gain, or 2030-if confident-) + Euryale (special attack vs male, +Arts, Heaven's Feel or Black Grail)

Mash + Friend Artoria (Archer) + Chloe/David<-(depending on your confidence)

Starting np for everyone else except Mash. Use Volumen Hydrargyrum on David/Mash if you have it.

Get Merlin to NP asap. Point is to keep Euryale alive and np as many times as possible. Use invincibilities (Merlin/Jeanne) first and stall when you can't. Frontline WILL die eventually.

I) Here is when it gets dicey 'cause you can't stall Gawain anymore. II)When Gawain over ATK buffs, single target Mash (+invincibility if not close to winning) and defense up for Ex Galatine.
III)Use Artoria's heal if necessary, keeping her alive is worth more than 10% gauge.

*Note: David's evade can save party or have Chloe help Artoria clean up.


Mash + double Euryale worked for me. Backline: any support with def/attck buffs, Chloe/Tristan/David. Mystic Code: either Atlas or Chaldea combat suit.

Tbh I don't know how my alt acct could've gone past him if I didn't have enough mats to max Euryale and lvl her 3rd skill to lvl 8 immediately. Having Orion wasn't enough for me bcoz u need to keep him from using his NP until ur def buffs was up. The charm was inconsistent though so u need to time Euryale's NP as well when he is about to Excaliblast your party.
