
Fgo (jp) home screen yellow dialogue

So I've come across a question on the starting screen that has yellow dialogue and gives me 3 options. While I do play fgo (na) this dialogue is not present on NA so I can't translate what this dialogue means... Anyone know?

Asked by Hexen1015 years 11 months ago


Looks like it's saying you closed the game during a story segment or battle?

I believe the options are to start from the main screen (you'll still lose the ap), start with the story segment or start with the battle. I only know a bit of Japanese though so I could be completely off.


by Ar_Ty 5 years 11 months ago

It is saying that you were interrupted in the middle of the story before a battle, and it is asking you if you want to continue where you left off or exit, with a warning that you will lose the AP that you already spent and such if you do not continue. I think the middle option is to skip the story and go straight to the battle, but it is too blurry for me to tell


If you get disconnected or leave the game in JP they offer you three options:

1) continue where you left off
2) restart the quest
3) quit and lose the ap you spent to do the quest

It was a quality of life change they made during the 15 M download campaign:
