
Should I grail Kiyohime lancer or wait for Mama Raiko lancer this summer?

I like both of them a bit, but not nearly as much as my beloved Nero. So I want to spend 2 grails on one of them for gameplay and a bit of love.

I got Kiyohime lancer to NP2 on my first 10 roll outside tutorial and she's been pretty good, but it looks like Raiko lancer has quite a bit on her. (No useless skills, riding passive, not detrimental NP effects past damage.)

I'm NA only though, so that might just be me lacking experience. Is a NP1 Raiko lancer better than an NP2 Kiyohime lancer? (I'm F2P but saving for caster Nero so I'll probably get 1 Raiko.)

Asked by ElliotS6 years 2 months ago


I more prefer Raikou because of her ability for busting critical damage in 1 specific turn. Also pretty consistency for damage (one round of critical NP-x-B-e --> enough star for next round even though 1st skill passed). Pure and simple to pour damage to enemy, top-rated as SR.

Kiyo's damage more or less rely on her NP.

So if you are rolling for Nero, I think you can get Raikou in higher NP level, rather than np1.


Raikou is better overall. Imagine Lancer Alter but ST and with a broken NP gain...That's Summer Raikou. She can give her buffs to another unit too.

Kiyohime can be really good too, but she is harder to operate because she doesn't have star absorption and her star gain is limited. She can crit, but it's harder to setup.

So yeah, go NP2 Raikou.


by Pelsia 6 years 2 months ago

If you show Kiyo some love, she can definitely return it. I grailed her a couple of months back and have been very happy with her, yandere's just need a little love! She needs a good star gen with her to really make her beastly; when you can get her to crit on her buster cards she hits like a freight train. If you can land an ABB chain her np charges decently, but that's probably her biggest shortcoming. I can add you to my friends list if you'd like to try her out.


To be fair, their both different

Kiyohime has the role of Main DPS but Raikou is either that or offensive support from her 2nd and 3rd skill

Kiyohime can be used for sustained dmg or burst if you give her a CE like Room Guard or Seal Enforcer while Raikou is just burst dps. In my case, I believe Kiyohime to be the better pf the two cuz her 1st skill actually contributes to team survival if you were pairing her with Penthesilea in the future, or Leonidas who could both use the crit down to survive and tank longer
