
single pull vs 10-pull

while i have gotten lucky on single pull/summoning tickets, i also like the guarantee of at least a 4* regardless of the fact that no matter what it's a ce ha ha haaaa.. but to my question. what are ya'lls preferences when summoning? yeah all that math mumbojumbo regarding each, but what do ya'll do when there's a rate up happening?

i want both gil and scathach (gil cuz i only gots david up and am about to tackle camelot, and scathach cuz harem), but i'm must sell out for #1 waifu rin tohsaka.. i mean ishtar, and friend a dickwizard master, cuz it's likely i won't be able to have the sq for him.

but yeah, back to the question.. single pull or 10-pull, what do ya'll prefer to do do?

Asked by poketar6 years 3 months ago


Both pulls bring me nothing but pain and sorrow. I hate them both equally.


by zer0z 6 years 3 months ago

Tbh I prefer tickets cos I die a little inside every time I spend quartz and don't get anything decent.


single: slow and painful
multi: just painful
so multi i guess, either way prepare some tissues.


I usually prefer 10x pull because if you do ten different single pulls there's possibility to get 10 3-star cards while if you go for 30 SQ pull you've got 100% chance to get this one 4-star (or better) card and 9 3-stars (or less).
Sometimes when I'm tilted I just go for single rolls but I'm trying to avoid this and just save for another 30.

But atm I don't do any kind of pulls, I'm saving for memelin


by Arcos 6 years 3 months ago

Depends, a multi does gaurantee you at least one silver servant and one gold card, but it could screw you over. If you do one at a time, you may end up getting lucky and get what you're after on your 5th pull and save yourself the quartz.
I just did a x10 pull trying to get an extra copy of Tristan or Lancelot, all I got was a bunch of CE's I wouldn't use and silver servants I've already NP5'd. Was determined to get an extra copy of Lancelot, so I tossed a summon ticket and wound up with Camelot Artoria on one pulll. Single pulls have been far more kind to me than the x10 most of the time, but in the end it all comes down to luck.

Gotta say though, first time I've felt legit gacha salt. 4 SR servants on rate up in the Knights Of The Round Table banner, 4 servants that qualify for the "Guaranteed SR card", and it gave me none of them.


I used to do 10 pulls exclusively. No 5 star for first 7 months.
360 quartz Onigashima
1 banana oni, 2 beowulf, fionn and lancelot zerk
MLB event CE's twice
Switched to Kitasean ritual 5 tickets one 10 pull.
1 Archuria 5 ruler martha 2 Viva la france
330 quartz and 30 tickets
Started saving after summer
1 Ilya ( 3 tickets) stopped immediately
1 Jeanne (5 tickets one 10 shot)


by Exa 6 years 3 months ago

I had more luck whit single pull.
both my SSR whit single pull. actually, just a single pull thet day.

stastistically speaking, in 10 roll you will get at least 1 4* card 89.something of the time, so it actually give you something on 1 multi roll evry 10.
but whit your specific case, i would suggest single pull. if you are lucky you can save many sq for the true waifu


Personally I’ve never got a five star from a single pull. I will say that for some odd reason I’ve had more luck late at night and early morning. Got a couple of 5 star servants from one 10 pull when I try just after waking up.


It depends on whether the RNG is on your side or not. With single pulls I take four 5 * and most of my 4 * and with 10 pulls ... nothing so far (?


by Zhiroc 6 years 3 months ago

I typically 10 pull if using SQ, because the guarantee is better than nothing. But as I posted just now in another thread, the odds of the guarantee actually activating are pretty low.

There are two parts of the guarantee: first, you will get a 3* or better servant. Saying "3*" is actually rather superfluous, because there are *only* 3* or better servants in that pool. The odds of getting a CE in a single pull are 4% + 12% + 40% = 56%. Thus, the odds of getting *only* CEs in 10 pulls is 56% ^ 10, or 0.3% (yes, that's less than 1%). So, how many times do you see a 5*? Well, the chance that this happens is 1/3 that... They don't say what the odds of getting a 4/5* are when this happens, but my guess might be that it's in the same 1/3/30 proportion that servants are distributed by in the gacha. So, maybe a 9% chance at a 4* and a 3% chance at a 5*.

Second, the other part of the guarantee is to get a 4* or better of either. The odds of getting a 3* card of either type is 80% (40% chance for each of servant and CE). So, the odds you get only 3*s in 10 pulls is 80% ^ 10, or about 11%. Thus, this is a little more likely, but it's still roughly only one in 10 pulls, or once per about 300 SQ spent. If I use the same assumption as the above, the result is: 5% for 5* servant, 15% for 4* servant, 20% for a 5* CE, and 60% for a 4* CE.

Thus, I don't put much weight into the guarantee for deciding on rolling.
