
IV: Demonic Dragon Descends Again

AP Cost 1
Bond Points 915
QP 9,400
Quest EXP 38,190
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

Note you CANNOT use the revive full party option (using 3 Command Seals or 1 Saint Quartz) in this quest! If your party falls, the quest immediately ends.

A detailed guide for this encounter can be found [HERE]

Enemy Details

Part 1
Battle 1/3
Enemies Class HP Lvl
17,152 70
17,152 70
29,170 53
Battle 2/3
Enemies Class HP Lvl
27,101 74
39,171 57
39,171 57
Fatal Battle 3/3
Enemies Class HP Lvl
99,379 48

-Buff: 200% Defense Up (Not removable); increases NP gain of those that attack him [Demerit]. Note: Ignore defense (-100% to his defense), defense debuffs, and flat damage work.

50,994 80
99,379 48

Quest Drops

Magic Gem of Saber x1 20.0% (Max: 8)
Secret Gem of Saber x1 14.4% (Max: 8)
Dragon Fang x1 44.8% (Max: 8)
Saber Monument x1 100.0% (Max: 1)