
Waver ,Xuanzang Sanzang or Merlin?

I don't have any good caster except Marie and would want one asap I have been savong quarts(what else can a f2p do) so should I give up on rolling on this banner and wait for Merlin?

Asked by want_jalter6 years 5 months ago


If you want go, go then and be happy with gacha madness, but if you want an easy life go for Merlin he makes people's lives easy. Three five stars are on rate up meaning lower chances to get them, and honestly Merlin trumps all of them for convenience sake, but if you really want go go crazy and spend all your quartz and get something or other though I don't recommend


by Rednal 6 years 5 months ago

Merlin is widely considered the best overall.

That said, it does depend in part on what you want to do with your team.

Sanzang does damage personally, and is very good against Assassins. It's really not bad to have a Caster that can bring the pain.

Waver is incredible support in basically all circumstances, and you really can't go wrong with him no matter what else you have.

Merlin works best if you have Servants that can really benefit from his package, especially those with crits and/or Buster stuff. You won't go wrong with either of the guys here. Merlin needs a stronger overall team for you to make the most of, though. I honestly lean a little more towards Waver for F2P, since he can rapidly boost NP for a whole team.


For your reference, I just literally used approximately 700SQ trying to get one of either Waver or Tanamo. While I finally got tanamo, I also gotten NP4 Nicrotis, NP4 Medea Lily, NP3 Helena, NP4 Edison, NP5 Nursery (with 2 more burned for rare prisms)....that is the sad part of my gacha luck...I think with this latest madness roll, I have all the casters released for this game to date except for Waver...

Meme will be the next while I recuperate my SQ....I am not f2p though..


If it makes you feel better, I spent 2535 (30 free) saint quartz and 8 tickets, and got 6 Xuanzang before Tamamo and Waver.

Got 2 Tamamo and 1 Waver though still. So worth it. It just depends on which you want most.

I should've waited for Halloween to get Tamamo for 5NP tho.


The Tanamo experience scarred me..but at least she is my top priority for this banner because I have a lot of Arts I won't be rolling any more for waver since its relatively easier to find friends with its all good for me for now.


by kire 6 years 5 months ago

because the rate up is shared by many servants, the specific rate up for each one of them is actually very low. I wouldn't recommend rolling on these banners at all..


I also only have Caster Marie. So i rolled cause I'm weak and got tempted. And got Xuanzang.
