
What low rarity servants to level.

Since I got a lot of repeats of servants while rolling for archertura (WHO I DIDN'T GET WITH OVER 600 quartz, but I got repeats of both jack and tamamo) and not many new servants and the fact i'm not going to roll till Merlin I have quite a bit of time to level low rarity servants.

So can you guys name the top 3 low rarity servants of each class to level up, I also know i'm eventually supposed to have every low rarity servant maxed ascended and leveled, but I prefer focusing on 1 servant at a time.

Asked by Mcjackingtin6 years 5 months ago


Top 3? Of each class? Pretty easy.

Saber: Bedivere, Fergus, Ceaser
Lancer: Both Cu's, Leonidas
Archer: Robin Hood, Loli-Goddess, Arash
Rider: Georgius, Ushi, Blackbeard
Caster: Andersen, Mozart, Shakespear
Assassin: Fuuma, Jeckyl and Hide, Cursed Arm
Berserk: Lu Bu, Kiyohime


You can mention any 3* or below archer (except KoGil) and it’s arguably the best. That’s how good the 3* and below archer category is.


by Neil 6 years 5 months ago

I honestly feel bad every time a hear about it :( the gacha is a cruel mistress. I'd focus on getting skillups for some servants though over levelling the lower tier servants. Except for Cu. Even with Tama lancer, level the best doggo. Once you get Cu Alter (this is me blessing your luck to get cu alter) you can run a full doggo team with cu fsn, proto cu, cu caster and cu alter \o/. With a support cu of course. Do it for the memes.

If you're insistent on wanting to level the low rarity servants though, I'd suggest looking at the ascension arts and just levelling the ones whose card arts you like best!


by Fabris 6 years 5 months ago

Saber: There is only 4, so Ceaser (decent ST NP, skills benefit the party members dmg very well), Bedivere (powerful for a 3*) and then Fegus (cheap AOE farming device), as Gilles Saber is kinda bad
Lancer: Cu FSN is a survivalist with decent NP, Proto-Cu a minor survivalist who does a better damage, Leonidas is sort-of a worse Georgius but with a focus on buster, and no Rider star weight to rob the stars of your damage dealers...
Archer: All low rarity Archers are excellent, but Euryale anti-male niche makes her a pseudo-gold when facing male sabers/berserkers; Robin is good to nuke the bosses, Arash to clear/weak the second waves, but put a starting NP CE on him...
Rider: Georgius, best arts-tank/taunter (sadly his class rob you from some good stars), Ushi (solid ST Quick NP, Charisma C+ and the Tengu Strategy skills benefit all the party for 3 turns), Medusa for farming (AOE NP+Monstruous strenght)
Caster: Hans is the best support ever, Medea for constantly spam her (weak) NP who remove all buffs from annoying bosses/mobs (and you can kinda fix her low dmg with gold CEs, actually), other are not good to me...
Assassin: Fuuma best stargen of all low rarities (and one of the best of the game) and rare AOE assassin, Cursed Arm (second best stargen, Protection from the Wind makes him a Cu from the Hassans, ST NP has a chance to insta-kill)
Berserk: Kiyohime for wave clearing, but put a starting NP CE on her


by Neil 6 years 5 months ago

To make you feel a little better. Unlimited salt works


by Mysty 6 years 5 months ago

David's group evade saved many of my battles while I was leveling up
Von hohenheim is fun, I like his skill, but only depend on using them once due to high cool down.
Kojirou is my favorite ST NP assassin in the low rarity, even grailed to 70 when I couldn't get a decent gold.
Cu is amazing! Get the skills leveled asap and he never dies.
Lu Bu hits harder than kiyohime


by Lalter 6 years 5 months ago

Don't bother leveling Fergus or Jeckyl. All hassans are good, but Fuuma is better. Level fuuma first, then hundred face (I'd normally say Cursed Arm but Fuuma is pretty much an improved cursed arm), then serenity and finally cursed arm. Asterios is good for debuffing and order change buff stacking since he can die fast. Also, ALL low star archers are crazy good, but my leveling order would be Robin > David > Arash > Euryale > Billy.
But other than that, pretty much what everyone else has said.
