Boss Statistics
Ozymandias: Chapter 15 (3/3) - 4 | ||
![]() |
HP | 300,614 |
LVL | 70 | |
Class | ![]() | |
NP Bar | ![]() | |
NP Type | ST | |
Actions | 3 per turn, moves first | |
Traits | Sky, Male, Divine, Humanoid, Sovereign/King, Riding, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish |
Passive | ![]() | The final Ozymandias enters the battle with a full NP gauge. |
![]() | Increases debuff resistance by 17.5%. | |
Skills | ![]() | Increases party attack by 18% for 3 turns |
![]() | Heals self for 3000, 60% chance to grant self a 40% attack buff for 3 turns, 60% chance to grant self a 40% defense buff for 3 turns | |
![]() | Increases NP Gauge of party by 1, Increases buff success rate by 40% | |
NP Effect | ![]() | Deals around 30,000-35,000 damage to one opponent, reduces their defense by 20% and seals their NP |
Nitocris | ||
![]() |
HP | 136,605 |
LVL | 68 | |
Class | ![]() | |
Skills | Has access to all three of her skills | |
NP | Has full access to Anpu Neb Ta Djeser which deals a high amount of AoE damage and can inflict Instant Death |
Battle 1/3 | Sphinx | Ozymandias (Front Shadow) | |
Battle 2/3 | Malika Sphinx | Ozymandias (Rear Shadow) | |
Fatal Battle 3/3 | Nitocris | Ozymandias (True Shadow) |
Boss Analysis
- The time to face Ozymandias is at hand. This fight consists of three consecutive waves of increasingly more powerful aspects of Ozymandias. Each Ozymandias has full access to his abilities and is accompanied by a Caster minion that counters any Assassins.
- The final Ozymandias starts with a full NP gauge and can instantly blow up one of your favourite Servants.
- The final Caster minion is Nitocris herself. With her Rapid Divine Words she can add two whole NP ticks to her NP gauge, while Ozymandias has access to his own team-wide NP gauge boost as well. Thus, Nitocris can charge her NP very quickly.
- While Nitocris’s NP does respectable damage and is especially lethal to Assassins, it’s the instant death which can randomly screw over a solid tactic. Prevent her from casting her NP or cross your fingers the instant death doesn’t trigger.
- Ozymandias himself hits very hard, which is further exacerbated by his tendency to spam his team-wide attack skill as well as his Imperial Privilege. A critical hit, which as a Rider he has a 15% chance to do, is straight up deadly.
- An unlucky Master may encounter an Ozymandias that spams his Imperial Privilege. If his defense buff activates twice, his damage reduction can shoot up to 80%.
- Without full damage prevention, Ozymandias‘s NP is a death sentence and does a staggering amount of damage. Any Defense Up buffs of your own are liable to be countered by his own attack buffs.
- Finally, Ozymandias has a large number of traits for a clever Master to abuse.
Team Composition Recommendations
- Ozymandias is the true threat and the amount of Rider HP that has be chewed through is substantial. The Caster opponents are more of a check on any Master that dares field only Assassins.
- Save at least some disables (Stuns/Charms) and Evasion/Invulnerabilities/Taunts for the initial NP in the third battle to prevent any early deaths for the true boss fight.
- In general, Nitocris is actually the bigger immediate threat in the third battle due to the fast-charging AoE, Instant Death NP. Taking her out first will safeguard the entire team, while Ozymandias will only potentially kill one Servant at a time with his NP. If Ozymandias does fall first, Nitocris will only act twice per turn.
- Buff removal skills are really powerful against Ozymandias, but so are NPs that ignore Defense buffs (Jack, Shiki, Emiya (Assassin), etc.).
- Essentially there are two strong strategies here, which can be adapted to your own roster:
- Strategy 1: A strong (friend) Berserker backed up by two capable supports can ignore the class system and deal devastating damage to both the Casters and Ozymandias. The defense buffs from the supports will keep the Berserker alive throughout the encounter and any additional offensive buffs will speed up the Ozymandias gauntlet. Berserkers are vulnerable to Ozymandias’s Rider critical potential if left unprotected however.
- Raikou performs exceptionally well here with both trait-advantage damage and an AoE NP. Berserkers with plenty of survival tools such a Cu Alter, Heracles and Ibaraki also perform well here.
- Strategy 2: Work within the class system and field an Assassin Servant as Main DPS with a Rider Servant to serve as the 2nd DPS to surgically remove any Caster opponents. Ideally, the Rider can provide additional team buffs (Ozymandias, Ushiwakamaru, Alexander) or instead provides a significant amount of damage even to neutral classes. The final slot would preferably be a full support Servant that can either sustain the team or provide great offensive support.
- A single good Rider Servant can take care of every Caster minion that appears very quickly. Take out any Caster opponents first if fielding an Assassin main DPS in order to keep them well protected. Even Nitocris will fall quickly to any ST Rider Servant such as Ushiwakamaru or Kintoki (Rider).
- Regardless, the back-line should be filled with extra Assassins or Berserkers and potentially one more support to keep the current Servants alive for longer.
- The Chaldea Combat Uniform is as per usual an excellent choice and can buy some valuable time at the start of the third battle by delaying Ozymandias’s NP Alternatively, any Mystic Code with Evasion or Invulnerability works great for keeping the Main DPS alive as well.