
GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku - Tier List Change Log

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  • The latest event, the FGO Summer 2024 Arctic Summer World Event, introduces several new Servants:
    • Sen-no-Rikyu
    • Yamanami Keisuke
    • Iyo
  • Several Servants also received upgrades since the prior tier list:
    • Road to 7: Lostbelt 4 Campaign:
      • Ganesha (Jinako)
      • Lakshmi Bai
      • Nezha
  • All Servants that were discussed for tier placement or movement are detailed below.
Scoring Method Details

5 Star Servants

Tier A

Sen-no-Rikyu is an QoE Quick Berserker, complete with a skill set that bolsters her ability to loop comfortably. She has party Quick and NP Gain buffs, a passive NP Gain buff for Quick Cards, along with a targetable 30% NP Gauge charger, each of which contribute to her ability to loop. She also can provide two levels of NP overcharge and 1-time Invincibility to an ally of choice, including herself. Finally, she also can generate Stars on demand, buff her own Critical Damage for all Cards as well as her Quick Cards, and inflict a small DEF debuff when she attacks with Quick Cards. To further support her Crit capabilities, she has three Quick Cards in her normal Card deck, plus her NP, all of which have great hit counts to further boost her ability to generate Stars. Her NP itself has the relatively common Human attribute supereffective multiplier, and has a few additional utility effects where it can Curse and NP Seal all enemies. Given her ability to loop her NP relatively comfortably, this can potentially allow her to seal enemy NPs for multiple turns in a row if they are vulnerable to NP Seal. Overall, Sen-no-Rikyu is a great Servant to have, capable of nearly all-purpose farming while providing utility in challenge quests, and is particularly desirable for Masters who have premiere Quick Supports to bolster her performance.

Sen-no-Rikyu: x -> A (Avg Score: 9.08) - [NorseFTX - A][WhiteRabbit - A][Meliran - A+][Rathilal - A]

4 Star Servants

Tier D

Yamanami Keisuke is a support oriented Arts Saber Servant whose NP provides ATK buffs to all allies, provides a small amount (10-30%) of NP Gauge to allies based on overcharge, and 10 Stars per turn for the party. He also gives a Critical Damage buff to all Shinsengumi allies, although this benefit is heavily dependent on party makeup. His skill kit is a mixture of self buffs and party buffs. Offensively, he provides all allies with ATK and NP Gain buffs, along with an immediate 10 Stars for use. Defensively he provides a 1-time Evade to the party, healing, and can clear damage-over-time debuffs. For himself, he has a Quick/Arts buff that comes with a 20% NP charge. This does mean, however, that the only offensive support he provides is a relatively standard charisma buff, which would need to be supplemented by his NP. The fact that his kit isn't entirely focused on support and has selfish offensive buffs despite him not having a damaging NP make him somewhat poorly focused as a Servant. Masters may opt to run him in Shinsengumi parties since he can at least provide more value as a Critical Damage support, although outside of this scenario it can be difficult to find a spot for him in the party over other supports.

Yamanami Keisuke: x -> D (Avg Score: 6) - [NorseFTX - D][WhiteRabbit - D][Meliran - D][Rathilal - D]

Tier A

Iyo, the welfare of the GUDAGUDA 2024 event, is a Ruler Class Servant with an AoE Arts NP, and is serviceable as an all-purpose farmer. She provides an array of offensive buffs for herself, including Arts, Arts Critical Damage, Arts Star Gathering, bonus damage against Divine trait enemies, and a 30% NP charge skill. For her entire party, she also provides ATK buffs, a further Critical Damage buff for any Wild Beast allies (which includes herself), and a small sum of Stars to work with. As a minor note, she can also inflict Curse on all enemies. Her NP buffs her own NP Damage before dealing damage to all enemies, and additionally inflicts both Curse and Curse Damage Up. As a side note, Iyo is also entirely immune to Poison and Burn status effects via her passive. She is a capable farmer, with her damage being quite respectable due to her welfare status and ease of NP5. Masters in need of an all around Arts farmer will find her a welcome addition to the party.

Iyo: x -> A (Avg Score: 8.83) - [NorseFTX - A][WhiteRabbit - A][Meliran - B+][Rathilal - A]

5 Star Servants

Tier B -> A

Jinako gets a new upgrade with the Road to 7: Lostbelt 4 campaign, allowing her targetable invincibility move to additionally provide up to NP Damage +30% and Special ATK vs Lawful +50% for three turns to an ally. This is a powerful offensive boost that increases her overall value in the party. It was generally agreed that this buff cements her as a decent support and secondary damage option, particularly against Lawful alignment enemies. Masters will just want to remember to keep in mind the Skill Seal demerit that comes with this skill, and to use any skills on the target beforehand.

Ganesha (Jinako): B -> A (Avg Score: 8.83) - [NorseFTX - B+][WhiteRabbit - A][Meliran - A][Rathilal - A]

4 Star Servants

Tier C+ -> C+

Lakshmi's latest upgrade grants her third skill with a 1-turn faster cooldown, along with helpful three turn buffs that include Quick and NP Gain buffs, both of which help support her ability to loop her NP more comfortably. She formerly had trouble looping comfortably, and the buff helps slightly although her looping is still somewhat tight. Since her overall performance isn't quite changed and she still loops somewhat awkwardly, it was generally agreed that her tier does not change with this upgrade.

Lakshmi Bai: C+ -> C+ (Avg Score: 7.5) - [NorseFTX - C+][WhiteRabbit - C+][Meliran - B][Rathilal - C+]

Tier D+ -> D+

Nezha gets a skill upgrade for her star gather buff skill, which now also grants her a sum of Stars and bonus ATK and DEF vs Demonic enemies for 3 turns. However, she still doesn't make for the most desirable AoE Buster Lancer for farming due to her 20% NP charge skill not being quite enough for the standard Koyanskaya Oberon setups. The upgrades do not really address this, although they do give her a niche for dealing with Demonic trait enemies and slightly better critical performance. However, it was generally agreed that she will need more upgrades before she moves up a tier.

Nezha: D+ -> D+ (Avg Score: 6.33) - [NorseFTX - D+][WhiteRabbit - D+][Meliran - D+][Rathilal - D+]
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Twitter: @NorseFTX

Content Director at GamePress. Passionate about fighting games, virtual/augmented reality technology, neuroengineering, and video games in general. Classical Piano Performance, Sprite Art, and Under Night In-Birth enthusiast.
