
Rabbit’s Reviews #395: Mysterious Executor C.I.E.L. (5* Moon Cancer)

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Rabbit's Reviews Ciel
NA Release Date: 08/2026

The big surprise of Summer 9—so far, at least—is that our first SSR is a brand-new Servant. This isn’t the first time this has happened, of course—Summer 7 brought Lady Avalon—but Ciel, as one of Tsukihime’s main characters, is the type of addition we’d usually expect from a collab event, or perhaps from anniversary. Like her most notable rival, Arc, Ciel is a Moon Cancer. With their low average attack stats and neutrality to most classes, Moon Cancer is an iffy base for a damage-dealer. The other Moon Cancers (with the arguable exception of Kiara) make up for this with unique gimmicks and specific use-cases. BB has stall-focused utility, Summer BB is the sole owner of card-locking mechanics, Jinako is a tank with situationally strong party support, and Arc is an extremely efficient farmer when her damage is sufficient. Ciel slots smoothly into this lineup. She has a unique gimmick that enables some cool tech, and she has just about the best consistency-focused kit in the game… but in exchange, her NP damage is very low, and she requires specific situations and setups in order to work well.

Much like the other Moon Cancers, Ciel’s power and value is highly variable, and thus very much open to debate. While the original BB has largely been outmoded by newer, better stall units, Summer BB, Jinako, and (to a lesser degree) Arc all do things no one else can do. That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re worth pulling, or even good. Ciel is in essentially the same position. Personally, I think her combination of unique mechanics, CQ-focused antigimmick utility, and unusual farming potential makes her a worthwhile pickup and an overall strong unit… but if you don’t expect to get use out of any of those things, or you can’t get past her low base damage, you may disagree.

At the very least, Ciel has an interesting and wholly unique kit, and she relies on teams and strategies no other Servant does. Her kit doesn’t fight against itself like some other unique Servants do, and she has the potential to work well in all common forms of content. Even if she’s not especially strong, she is in my view unquestionably well-designed. Her primary weakness—damage—is easily addressable with future buffs, and she’s far from useless even as she is. Ciel is, as a whole, a very good addition to the game, and most importantly, she’s cool. We don’t always get that, nine years in.

Servant Data
Moon Cancer
Max HP 14,742
HP Rank
Max ATK 11,658
ATK Rank
Base Atk1,801Base HP2,162
Max Atk 11,658 Max HP 14,742
Grail Atk 12,761 Grail HP 16,150
Magic Resistance A

Increase your Debuff Resist by 20%.

Independent Action EX

Increase your Critical Strength by 12%.

Self-Regeneration A

Restore own HP by 500 each turn.

Executor (Bow) A

Apply Offensive Class Advantage vs [Saber] Class to self.

Card Hits 5 4 4 6 12
Per Hit 0.46% 0.46% 0.46% 0.46% 0.46%
NP per Hit (%) 0.46%
NP when Attacked (%) 3%
Star Absorption 49
Star Generation per Hit 15.0%
Material Requirements
Servant Skills
Noble Phantasm
Usage Tips
Grail Potential

Ciel is a very particular unit. She has a specific, unique piece of tech, in the form of her card-rigging, which lets her facilitate other characters and also enables her to farm certain nodes despite being ST. She also has a ton of consistency tools built into her own kit, which can help for taking out particularly annoying enemies. In exchange for her remarkable consistency, her base damage output is fairly low. Most ST Servants, if given the same consistency benefits Ciel gets, would clock in at much higher numbers. This results in an odd situation where Ceil’s raw values are uniquely low, but her minimum values—the lowest damage she can possible get across three turns—are unusually high. Ciel basically has the ability to forcibly reach her theoretical damage ceiling every single fight—including while farming—in exchange for that ceiling being a lot lower than most other STs. Where does this leave her? It’s hard to say.

Historically, in FGO, raw damage is usually king. For the vast majority of fights, killing fast is worth more than negating gimmicks, and resetting a few times for good card draws isn’t too hard. By this logic, Ciel’s consistency isn’t worth nearly as much as the raw damage potential of, say, the Count of Monte Cristo. Similarly, while Ciel can theoretically 90++ farm—and at deceptively low levels of investment—there are plenty of other more conventional farmers who don’t have the same concerns with regards to specific health spreads and card ordering. In most cases, you don’t need what Ciel brings.

On the flip-side, if you do need what Ciel offers, she’s the only one who does it. If you were to run into a fight that spams debuffs, dodges, and defense buffs, and that removes buffs on attack, Ciel says “no problem.” If you want to facilitate a Servant who really needs that perfect card draw in order to function, Ciel’s got you covered. If you have a weird farming node where being able to divide up damage on one wave and concentrate it on another is useful, Ciel can do that. She’s unique, and she’s good at what she does. Yes, she would love an attack buff in her kit somewhere—hopefully she gets a buff at some point—and yes, she’d be a lot stronger if the one card lock support had some partywide damage buffs—looking at you, “BB Dubai”—but these would only make Ciel better. They wouldn’t fundamentally change how she operates.

At the end of the day, this one’s going to come down to a personal value judgment. Do you value the uniqueness Ciel has to offer? Do you see yourself wanting Ciel’s specific strengths? If so, she’s probably one to pull for. If not, she’s an easy skip. Personally, I come down on the side of Ciel being a very good unit, but I also understand the arguments of those who think she’s not. This is a case, I think, where time will tell.

At the very least, Ciel is smartly-designed. She does something interesting and distinct, and she does it well enough to be worth seriously considering. This makes her one of the better additions to the game in recent memory. It’s always exciting to see a genuinely fun kit, regardless of where her long-term value ends up falling. Good Servant. I like this one.

Rabbit's Arbitrary Ratings

Overall: 9/10
Single-Target DPS: 8/10
AoE DPS: 5(!)/10
Survivability: 9/10
Offensive Utility: 8/10
Defensive Utility: 3/10
Farming Usefulness: 8/10
Neco-Arc: Nya?/Nya!

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