
SE.RA.PH Front II: You Can't Win Alone

AP Cost 5
Bond Points 715
QP 0
Quest EXP 22,190
Quest Type Grail Front

Quest Overview

Guest Support Robin Hood Lv70 NP3 8/8/8; CE: Starting NP Gauge +50%; NP Gain +50%.

Max Cost 78
Servant Slots
Type Reward Notes
x3 Top of Map
x5 Behind Archer of Inferno (Saber)
x1 Between three Valkyries
x1 Bottom Left of Stage
x2,000,000 Above NPC Support Robin Hood

Enemy Details

Part 1
Fatal Battle 1/1
Enemies Class HP Lvl
39,650 64
41,356 65
42,390 66
54,072 40
52,518 39
50,964 38
Archer of Inferno (Saber)

* Does not need to be defeated.

85,631 80

Quest Drops